June 9, 2013

Sengupta Family Portrait


There's a thought in Joe McNally's The Moment It Clicks in which (to paraphrase) he feels that you can tell when you've gotten The Shot.  Sometimes this occurs right away, and the rest of the shoot is a formality. Sometimes it doesn't happen until the very end.

After Freddie's birthday, there was a brief spate of family portrait jobs (which I think were linearly related to each other, in that Family C saw Family B's photos saw Family A's photos).  One was the Sengupta family, who are super adorable as a family.  Joanne and I did this one together.  We started with some general group shots, which were pretty good and fulfilled the objective.  Still, I think for some reason I wasn't really satisfied after that series, and ended up staying longer and following their child around the playground.  Once she started playing with a fountain (and splashing all the other neighborhood families), I got the shot I was waiting for.  It's not the sort of thing that you can put on the annual holiday card, but the facial expression and the context make it my favorite by far.