July 7, 2014

Stow Lake - Trial of a ringflash


My brother bought me a ringflash, and I took it out to Stow Lake to try it out. Normally I'm not a fan of ringflashes; I feel like I spend so much time trying to get good off-axis light that it seems nonsensical to go out and buy a flash that is designed to be coaxial.  For macro photography I'm less opposed - the subject is so close to the lens that the ringflash effectively acts as area light.  Further, this particular model allows a different exposure compensation for one half vs. the other half, so the lighting is not quite as flat.

I think these came out ok. Certainly it is superior to traditional hotshoe flash (without external bracket), but I wonder if I'm using this properly. The light is still pretty flat. Perhaps I should dial up the exposure compensation difference between halves.