September 13, 2014

Tidepools at Half Moon Bay


About a year ago Joanne and I took a trip down to Big Sur. It was just after my subinternship at MGH... In three months of internship at UCSF, nothing has compared to the sheer terror of the Bigelow - at least, not yet. Thanks to just one month on the Bigelow, I have been worried many times but never really afraid.

Anyway, I got a day off after 14 straight days of work at the SF VA, and Joanne and I drove south again to explore the stretch of coast between Santa Cruz and Pacifica.  We stopped in Half Moon Bay, where the J.V. Fitzgerald Marine Preserve and its tidepools are located.  Many families running around us while we were staring fixedly in the pool, but I didn't see a lot of people crouching down.  The tidepools are not that interesting from a standing height - many children and teenagers commented loudly about this.  You can see how boring the tidepools look in Joanne's photo of me and my trusty macro lens. Like so many things, though, it's it's a whole different world when you look closely.